Women’s Health

For a long time, women’s health was little studied, ignored, or restricted only to motherhood and fertility. Today, however, there is far more discussion of women’s health topics that were previously perceived as embarrassing or too private. And the trend is to demystify all of the issues that women may encounter during their lifetime. Discover our products designed to support women during their menstrual cycle and the postpartum period.

Women, a target with potential and multiple needs 

For a long time, women’s health was little studied, ignored, or restricted only to motherhood and fertility. Today, despite ongoing inequalities, social and scientific awareness is growing: there is far more discussion of women’s health topics that were previously perceived as embarrassing or too private. And trends are no longer limited to menopause or fertility: there is a move towards demystifying all of the issues women may encounter during their lifetime. 

They experience different types of discomfort over the course of their lives: premenstrual syndrome during the menstrual cycle, increased risk of anemia, postpartum, and menopause. 40% of women worldwide suffer from chronic pelvic pain and 1 in 10 women suffers from endometriosis1. Several key events in women’s health have been game changers over the last 20 years. Very recently in France, women’s healthcare has evolved, particularly as regards endometriosis and postpartum. In 2022, the national strategy for combating endometriosis and providing early post-natal care was put in place with a view to better supporting women’s healthcare. More generally, menstrual leave is granted to women in several countries around the world, historically in Asia and more recently in Europe. 

The emergence of these needs shows the importance and value of looking after this female target.

Women's needs during the menstrual cycle

For 38 years, women’s lives are impacted by the menstrual cycle. It is divided into four phases: the follicular phase, ovulation, the luteal phase and menstruation. 

During the luteal phase and menstruation, which last an average of 19 days per cycle, the majority of women regularly suffer physical and psychological discomfort and experience pelvic pain, mood swings, iron deficiency and fatigue. This is called premenstrual syndrome. It starts a few days to a few hours before menstruation and is thought to affect 20 to 40% of women of childbearing age2

Faced with these problems, which are generally managed by medication, there is a growing demand from women for preventive, more holistic solutions. Dietary supplements therefore have their place in this search for alternatives to help women better deal with these everyday discomforts. 

Discover our dietary supplement products for the menstrual cycle

Armor Protéines has developed four dietary supplement products, with Lactoferrin as key ingredient, to alleviate discomfort and meet women’s needs at each stage of the menstrual cycle. 

  • During the premenstrual phase (luteal phase and ovulation), Premenstrual Comfort alleviates the symptoms of physical and mental discomfort through our ArmorFerrin® complex. 
  • For the menstrual phase, we have developed two products: Menstrual Comfort, which alleviates discomfort and reduces fatigue during the day thanks to our ArmorRelieve® complex, and the Menstrual Comfort Night complex, which alleviates discomfort during the night and promotes restorative sleep with ArmorRest®
  • During the follicular phase, Postmenstrual Vitality helps maintain mood and vitality with our ArmorFerrin® complex. 

Needs during the postpartum period

Postpartum is the period that follows giving birth. This stage can be very difficult for some women due to the physical and emotional upheaval following pregnancy. 

Nearly 64% of new mothers suffer from fatigue during the postpartum period3. In addition, 60 to 80% of them experience mood disorders and anxiety, the famous “baby blues”, which, without follow-up or care, may develop into post-natal depression (up to 20% of cases)4

The postpartum period may also be accompanied by hair loss, doubts about parenting ability, getting to grips with breastfeeding, bodily changes, etc.5 

During this period, women need the appropriate support and solutions to alleviate their fatigue, feel better about their bodies and improve their physical and psychological well-being.

Discover mumboost, our concept car dietary supplement for young mothers 

To support women in the challenging postpartum period, Armor Protéines has developed the MumBoost product. After nine months of pregnancy, mums still draw on their reserves and have to cope with numerous issues: hair loss, bodily changes, lack of energy, mood swings, etc. 

MumBoost allows young mothers to regain energy and vitality (mental and physical) thanks to the combination of the ArmorRestore® complex with Lactoferrin and Calcium as key ingredients, along with various vitamins and minerals.

1 : OMS

2 : INSERM, #PayeTonCycle : C’est quoi le syndrome prémenstruel ?

3 : Badr HA, Zauszniewski JA. Meta-analysis of the predictive factors of postpartum fatigue. Appl Nurs Res. 2017 Aug;36:122-127. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2017.06.010. Epub 2017 Jun 19. PMID: 28720232.

4 : Manjunath NG, Venkatesh G, Rajanna. Postpartum Blue is Common in Socially and Economically Insecure Mothers. Indian J Community Med. 2011 Jul;36(3):231-3. doi: 10.4103/0970-0218.86527. PMID: 22090680; PMCID: PMC3214451.

5 : Ipsos, 2022; Badr BA, 2027; Manjunath NG, 2011 défis post-partum

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